Why most dislike difficult questions?

Most people respond badly to difficult questions. You ask them a hard question and simplistic minds either discard the question or make an ad-hominem argument.

One reason is that its extremely hard for us humans to understand something that we have not personally experienced. (Maybe impossible in many-many cases).

Simple answer is, because it forces one to think. And its hard to think. We want everything easy. Counter-intuitive things requires more mental work.

It is escapism.

However, keep avoiding hard questions and you will waste alot of time. The real-life challenges require one to ask hard questions from oneself. If you are one who avoids asking them, then you need someone else to ask them from you.

You need questions
- To assess reality
- To have honest assessment
- To avoid difficulties down the road
- To stay on right track

Don't avoid them. Ask hard questions. Write'em.