Journal Posts

Monday, July 13th, 2020

 So, what the issue. 
No-one belongs to anyone?
Not able to take the challenge of life?
Afraid of struggle ahead?

Point being, I can not share these things with anyone. There's no-one. 
Most friends do not wish for my progress. 

I am not afraid of struggle. But, this immediate requirement was not expected. Although I had idea, however; it came sooner than expected. 

This process of remaking everything, that I can feel. 
Looks like fortune wants me to learn the steps beforehand. 

I just need some time, to stabilize from this disruptive time in the market. 

I have been ignoring the time taken to prepare for monthly sales. 
Also, not able to research on new areas. 

Actually, this is developmental phase, that I need to focus on work rather than other things. This is what bothers me. 

Monday, September 14th, 2020

What is this desire of companionship? 
It certainly is there. We desire for a friend, soundboard, or maybe someone with whom we can share our thoughts etc. Or maybe only the miserable people desire companionship. The happy do not feel any 'need' of friends / companions. Their life is already fulfilled. 

Seneca wrote something like this, 'one should not be in 'need' of a friend, however; if he's there, it will make life more beautiful'. 

'Like one should not mourn over loss of a hand, however, if it is there, we will make good use of it.'.  

May be it is desire of love? 
 Which we know ideally turns into companionship with time in 'marriage'. This has been found to be best possible method for men. 

It's rare to have a 'real friend'. Probably we ourselves do not deserve that kind of friendship. Lacking in the 'integrity' ourselves. I mean, before blaming someone else; if we look closely it is very much possible that since we have not given ourselves to someone, how can we expect somebody else to give them to ourselves? 

Human relationships are a complex thing. 

Maybe, those who have mastered the art of 'happiness' or have a natural tendency to be happy; do not philosophize ! 

[Schadenfreude : Maybe enemies are a cure for schadenfreude. We need enemies.] 

PS : 
"Alone is a physical state.
Lonely is a mental state."


Tuesday, June 15th, 2021

Masculine Hierarchy of Needs:

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs:

Ok, it looks like that being a leader of a Tribe satisfies our 'need' of belonging & building. 

This need of belonging with fellow human beings is very strong, and probably the reason why most people are ready to 'follow' some authority. It's easier to follow & satisfying one's innate desire of belonging than being a leader who is by definition 'lonely'.