Random Surprise - Chapter 10 of Meditations by Marcus Aurelius

I opened Meditations book randomly and got this surprise.

This has been one of very painful and liberating lessons of life for me. 

Kabir said : Sab paise ke bhai.
Nanak said : Eh jag meet na dekhyo koi

And thats truth. 

You just get people in your lives. 

The  thing I can-not comment on is 'children'. How they affect us. The emotional connect etc.

I also remember a monk that I met at Huda Metro Station, with whom I had a brief discussion. I forgot what I asked him, but the only thing I still remember is he said, "only soul is changeless, everything else is impermanent". 

Another monk I remember, who just said, "its true, you just have faith in any God (Ram or anyone else) and spend life, get married."

Also, as @fateh pointed out "people like you because how you make them feel."
Not the truth, not if you are a saint. 
"How you make them feel".
What can you do for them.

Will not touch upon dynamics of strangers, friends, relatives or family members.
18-07-2020 : Reading again today - "Nature bound you to them".